Friday, August 24, 2012

The Pond

The pond was stocked soon after it was built.  Some common fish are Blue Gill, Pickerel, and Bull Head.  Brown Trout are present also.  In the evening all summer long Bull Frogs can be heard croaking.

December 2011
December 2011

The pond was created about 1950. The fire department pumped water out while a bulldozer pushed soil into the field below it. On the side near the road near the north end was a blacksmith shop mentioned in 'Bogtrotting for Orchids' perhaps it was located there because of springs. The deepest part was measured at 11 feet deep, most of the pond is around 5 feet deep.

Washed sand was dumped in one area to make a sandy beach and swimming area.
Water lilies under the weeping willow
Early snowfall in 2009